In reviewing the new Tesla Model S Electric Sedan, current.com said "warning, you may wet yourself". I agree!

Two weeks ago the manager of the Los Angeles Tesla store asked me if I'd like to come in and take a sneak peek at the new Model S which was at the dealership in preparation for a photo shoot that Monday. They swore me to secrecy because, apparently, whenever the media finds out there's a Tesla sedan somewhere they converge on it like vultures.

Once I got there, I could see why. It's a gorgeous car! Inside and out, its many features are Starwar-like. (see my photos below)

With a range of up to 300 miles per charge, a top speed of 130 mph, zero to 60 mph in under 5 seconds, a $7500 federal tax credit (along with any other state and/or local credits for electric cars), free parking in some cities, free access to carpool lanes in some states, no more gasoline, no more oil changes, no transmission fluid, no oil filters, no gas filters, no dangerous exhaust fumes, no engine noise -- just a smooth, quiet, fast ride -- the Tesla Model S Electric Sedan is Uber cool!

Thanks to the Los Angeles Tesla store for letting me sit in, and experience this ultra cool electric car.

Since the Tesla Model S. Electric Sedan won't be available for another year or so, I'm very excited about the new Nissan LEAF.  Check out the video below to watch how easy it will be to charge the LEAF, and how you can monitor the LEAF with a smartphone - and even give it instructions (such as to cool down or heat up before you get in)!

While the manufacturer's suggested retail price for the 2011 all electric, zero-emission LEAF is about $32,780, with the various federal state and local incentives the actual price may very well be around $25,000. This puts the LEAF in a class all by itself as a truly mass market all-electric vehicle.

I urge my friends and readers to get to know more about the Nissan LEAF and, if you're considering a new car purchase, to think about buying one when they are released later this year.

Finally, for a great history of the cool electric cars sold only in California in the 90s, I highly recommend watching "Who Killed the Electric Car".

Photo above: Standing between my Tesla Roadster and a new Tesla Model S Sedan.

Photos below -- click to enlarge: The Model S Sedan and my Roadster behind the Los Angeles Tesla store. (including my Tesla Roadster in my condo parking spot)

Video 1: Elon Musk, founder of Tesla Motors, introducing the new Tesla Model S All-Electric Sedan.

Video 2: Amazing new Nissan LEAF!

Tom Breason
4/18/2010 01:50:14 pm

Liking it! Tesla rocks!!

The Leaf sounds pretty awesome, too. Thanks for the info and link.

Are you the only Tesla owner in the Marina del Rey area? I never see any others on the streets.

4/20/2010 04:03:39 am

When will they have one that will charge itself as it moves along? Now that would be something.

4/20/2010 04:49:29 am

I agree. If science could develop a motor that would fully charge batteries as you drive, that would be fantastic.

But until that miracle happens, an all-electric auto is the best defense our nation has against the danger to our country that our oil-dependence has created.

The new Nissan LEAF, due out later this year, will be a truly mass-market 100% electric car. Check it out!


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